epeer ready for take-off after a successful funding round
Fintech epeer has attracted another investor. This time the Czech fund Lighthouse Ventures invested in the company founded by Maciej Jarząb and Marcin Bierut. It is the first Polish startup in the portfolio of the fund located in Prague. With its help, epeer will develop its technology based on artificial intelligence, enter the market in Spain, USA and Mexico and become a holding company.
2021-11-25, 09:51

Lighthouse Ventures is a technology-oriented fund that invests private capital. So far, the Czechs have successfully participated in investment rounds, among others for Spaceti and Pekat Vision. Their investment in epeer amounts to almost 5 million PLN and will enable further expansion plans for the polish startup.

"Currently, we are operating in the Polish and the Ukrainian market. Nevertheless, it’s time to expand. Through the cooperation with Lighthouse Ventures, by the end of 2022, we will be able to be fully operational in Spain, USA and Mexico - says Maciej Jarząb, CEO of epeer. - We are gaining momentum and within six months, we want to obtain further funding for the development of our innovative technology and further expansion to new markets". - he adds.

The Czechs discovered Epeer at the Unicorn Battle, where it was named one of the best technology startups in Central and Eastern Europe.

"We knew that we wanted to add a startup that would fit our deep-tech interest to our portfolio and epeer was the perfect match. The project’s potential is incredibly big due to the speed of the company’s globalisation ability. In other words, epeer’s expansion is much easier than in the case of many concepts we had the pleasure to consider for investment - says Michal Zalesak - Managing Partner LighthouseVentures. - An important advantage is also epeer’s team - an unusual conglomerate of youth and experience" - Zalesak emphasized.

The team led by Maciej Jarząb is growing dynamically. Along with the Czech investment, Stefan Michalik has joined the management team as Chief Strategy Officer. Michalik is a graduate of Hult International Business School and Warsaw School of Economics. He has extensive experience in strategy consulting, which he gained among others at Altman Solon. 

“My first task at epeer will be to successfully introduce new products in the gaming, insurance and e-commerce sectors. Already at this stage, we are engaged in talks with the largest players in these markets. Our projects are so advanced that we can confidently assume that by the end of 2022, we will be present with new products in the non-financial sector.”

The enthusiasm of the epeer’s new CSO is also shared by Maciej Jarząb:

"I am particularly pleased with this transfer. As CSO of the entire group, Stefan Michalik will be primarily responsible for the systematic development of epeer’s products - including products beyond the finance industry. Our innovative technology based on artificial intelligence fits perfectly into the needs of many markets - not only the financial market, where we have been operating initially. - he adds.

Officially, epeer will become a holding company with an American entity as the head of the group. The holding company will comprise two Polish, two Ukrainian and two Spanish companies dealing with financial products and technology development, and an American technology company.

Maciej Jarząb
+48 518673569
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